What does social wellness mean? And just how social do you need to be? This post describes the range of socialness and how your comfort zone and how much interaction you need for your wellness may cha... ...more
Emotional Wellness Benefits ,Social Wellness Benefits &Physical Wellness
September 16, 2024•5 min read
An explanation of holistic self care encompassing the areas of physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental, spiritual, and personal wellness. ...more
Mental Wellness Benefits ,Social Wellness Benefits Environmental Wellness spiritual Wellness Personal Wellness Physical Wellness &Emotional Wellness
August 08, 2024•3 min read
Learn about the mental, emotional, and physical transformations possible by gratitude journaling for only a few mintues a day. ...more
Physical Wellness Benefits ,Mental Wellness Benefits &Emotional Wellness Benefits
August 01, 2024•4 min read