Live a More Joyful, Fulfilled Life in Only Minutes a Day

Download this FREE gratitude journal and use it to bring more serenity, abundance, and joy into your life.

My mission is to help you take better care of YOU since you've spent your whole life caring for others.

Women are typically the nurturers of the family and we spend our whole lives caring for and nurturing others, often at the detriment or neglect of ourselves.

We need to learn that it is not only okay but it is totally NECESSARY to care for ourselves or we can't help others. It's the "put your oxygen mask on first before helping others" situation on an airplane. And sometimes a little spoiling is okay too!

My goal is to provide some "Calgon, take me away" (okay, totally dating myself there! LOL!) moments in your life and give you the tools and inspiration to do just that. So sit back and imagine you're on a beautiful, tropical island paradise and let the Beachy Bliss into your life. Peace, Love, & Seashells


May you always have peace in your heart, love in your soul, and a shell in your pocket.

Jodie Bean

Founder of Beachy Bliss

Resources for you

Beachy Themed Products, Inspiration, and Education for Self-Care

Shop the Store

Shop our products designed to provide the utmost in self-care. Products to calm your mind, nourish your soul, and bring joy into your life. The store is being stocked now and will be available soon!

Free Inspirational Photos

Download this set of 14 beautiful and inspirational 8x10 photo printables which are suitable for framing. Let the ocean inspire you and bring joy into your life.

Read the Blog

Read the blog for tips and suggestions about self-care and how you can best take care of YOU! With how-tos that actually work in real life!


What people say

"Fun, healthy, and inspiraional all describe Beachy Bliss. I like the holistic (and beachy!) self-care."


Debbie M.

"Beachy Bliss products bring joy into my life and the quality can't be beat! Plus, the blog has so much great content,"


Tina A.

"Self-care is so important and I love the way Beachy Bliss brings it right into my home! The beach vibes and products are perfect."


Lynne V-S.

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