Women are typically the nurturers of the family and we spend our whole lives caring for and nurturing others, often at the detriment or neglect of ourselves.
We need to learn that it is not only okay but it is totally NECESSARY to care for ourselves or we can't help others. It's the "put your oxygen mask on first before helping others" situation on an airplane. And sometimes a little spoiling is okay too!
My goal is to provide some "Calgon, take me away" (okay, totally dating myself there! LOL!) moments in your life and give you the tools and inspiration to do just that. So sit back and imagine you're on a beautiful, tropical island paradise and let the Beachy Bliss into your life. Peace, Love, & Seashells
Jodie Bean
Founder of Beachy Bliss
Debbie M.
Tina A.
Lynne V-S.