How Social Do I Have To Be For Social Wellness?

How Social Do I Have To Be For Social Wellness?

How Social Do I Have To Be For Social Wellness?By: Jodie at
Published on: 16/09/2024

What does social wellness mean? And just how social do you need to be? This post describes the range of socialness and how your comfort zone and how much interaction you need for your wellness may change. And you get to choose what is best.

Emotional Wellness BenefitsSocial Wellness BenefitsPhysical Wellness
Gratitude Journal Transformations

Gratitude Journal Transformations

Gratitude Journal TransformationsBy: Jodie at
Published on: 01/08/2024

Learn about the mental, emotional, and physical transformations possible by gratitude journaling for only a few mintues a day.

Physical Wellness BenefitsMental Wellness BenefitsEmotional Wellness Benefits